From 26.02.2019
"Predisposed to be in the supreme state of well-being"
Risa Primary School Kajiado South, Kenya

A flock of a dozen, integrated, almost weightless and self-contained sculptures unite to form of a large organism, which seems to be buoyed up by an inner impulse.
All the individual objects as beings possess their own character and unique form. This self-organization and complexity, as in a living social entity, bring about cohesion: a prototypical community as IT, consisting of singular individuals united with each other and standing in relation to their environment.
The title of the installation is „Predisposed to be in the supreme state of well-being“. Obviously, it is about our relation to happiness, which is for us, human beings, biologically and socially conditioned. Human beings, as super-social organisms, are condemned to eternal dissatisfaction and searching. Humans are driven to action, no matter how absurd and nonsensical their routine and habits may be. New experiences and insights temporarily quench this perpetual thirst and illuminate our minds in pink. In this sense, you may perceive this piece as a declaration of possible joy and beauty. Paradise engineering is an epiphany of new bioethics.