




«The New World Order»

Performed by Mikhail Voloshyn and directed by Aljoscha at the State Circus of Odessa, Ukraine.

In the ice covered circus arena of Odessa, the tired old clown enters, with a superpower emblem on his chest. He carries a worn red trash shovel. In front of him, the small pile of delicate bioisms embody life's defenseless complexity. His task: rearrange them into a rigid green metal cage-cube: a new absurd, socio-political and ideological construct.
As he slowly shovels, the bioisms falling apart, slipping away and reflecting chaos theory and indeterminacy principles. Occasionally, he whistles like a policeman at the softly screaming creatures, futilely trying to impose invisible order. His action is a delusion of omnipotence and the fallacy of reductivism, attempting to simplify ultra complex life-systems. Voloshyn's actions mirror in the ice the myth of Sisyphus, showing that forced order leads rather to destruction, not preservation. The green cage-cube, an empty symbol of ideologic rigidity, cannot contain life's dynamic nature and its soft deviative power. The performance underscores the inherent beauty in life’s uncontainable chaos and mutative complexity. The scattered bioisms remind us of the unintended consequences of stubborn oversimplified doctrines, urging to respect nature's fluidity.

Aljoscha, bioism, biofuturism

Aljoscha, bioism, biofuturism

Aljoscha, bioism, biofuturism

Aljoscha, bioism, biofuturism

Aljoscha, bioism, biofuturism

Aljoscha, bioism, biofuturism