




"Miraculous Interventions"

Performed by Oleksandr Goroshkov and directed by Aljoscha at the National Circus of Ukraine, Kyiv.

The young ambitious clown kneels with closed eyes, trembling as he prays to higher powers, the universal spirit, or God. Eagerly, he asks for something outstanding: a sign. Gum-like bioisms fall from above and the sides, sometimes painfully slapping his head and shoulders. Ambitious believer endures each humiliation, seeking confirmation in his ideology, until a precisely thrown bioism strikes his face directly and mercilessly. Enough is enough. He leaves the arena, trembling, washing the makeup from his disappointed face.
Religious blindness is characterized by a fervent adherence to faith that overlooks personal introspection and inner peace. The clown's exhibitionistic faith exemplifies this, yearning for miracles to assert public dominance, providing a sense of control and satisfaction.
Religious practices often activate reward circuitry in the brain, offering community, purpose, and security. However, the desire for miraculous interventions can overshadow personal growth. Enduring pain reflects cognitive dissonance reduction, where believers justify negative experiences. The final bioism striking Goroshkov's face signifies a crisis, highlighting the futility of seeking external validation.
This performance illustrates the dangers of ideological blindness and the pursuit of external miracles, questioning why believers overlook inner paradise for powerful show-wonders.
This quest leads to disillusionment and the act of washing away, to the need for inner reflection and genuine self-discovery.

Aljoscha, bioism, biofuturism